Thursday, November 3, 2011

7th Grade - PRUEBA 2 (Quiz 2)

You will have your second Chapter 2A quiz next Wednesday (A day) and Thursday (B day).  I have attached the vocab list here if you forgot which words to study.  Make sure you are studying Spanish - English, English - Spanish, the definite articles (el, la) and spelling!

El amigo - friend (m)
La amiga - friend (f)
El chico - boy
La chica - girl
Él - he
Ella - she
Ellos - they (m)
Ellas - they (f)
El estudiante - student (m)
La estudiante - student (f)
nosotr@s - we
El profesor - teacher (m)
La profesora - teacher (f)

¿qué? - what?
¿quién? - who?

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